
A Routes - is a planned course of travel defined by a series of landmarks.

Bare poles - with all sails down.

Bearing - the compass direction from your position to a destination.

Beat - to sail to windward.

By the lee - on a run, having the wind coming slightly from the side on which the sails are trimmed.

Cast off - to let go of a line when leaving the dock or mooring; to ease sheets.

Closehauled - sailing to windward steering to the sails rather than on a free course.

Close-hauled - the most windward point of sail, on which the wind is at about 45 degrees.

Course - the direction on degrees from the start landmark of a course line to its destination.

Fetch - a windward course by which a craft can make her destination with out having to tack.

Fetching - a boat is fetching a mark when she is in a position to pass to windward of it and leave it on the required side with out changing tack.

Free - sailing on any point of sail except close-hauled.

Full-and-by - sailing as close to the wind as possible with all sails full.

Groove - The happy medium of best angle to the wind is often referred to as the "grove".

Head to wind - with the bow headed into the wind and the sails luffing.

Heading - the direction in which the GPS is moving, track or ground course.

Luff - the forward vertical edge of a sail; to alter course toward the wind until the boat is head to wind, the flapping of a sail caused by the boat being head to wind.

Off the wind - sailing downwind or before the wind.

On the wind - sailing close-hauled.

Pay off - to turn the bow away from the wind.

Pinch - to sail so close to the wind as to allow the sails to luff.

Proper course - a course a bout would sail to finish as soon as possible in the absence of the other boats…

Set - the direction of the leeway of a vessel or of tide or current.

Track - the actual path traveled, may differ from the planned course.

Trim - to adjust the sails.

Veer - a change of direction as in the wind.

Russian definition

Berth - причал, якорная стоянка, место…

Footer - полнее гоночного бейдевинда.

Leeway - дрейф, отставание, относительная свобода действий.

Make leeway - дрейфовать.

One legged beat - лавировка (выход) одним галсом.

Pincher - выше гоночного бейдевинда.

Set - двигаться в известном направлении, пеленговать.

Used literature:



3. «Understanding the racing Rules of Sailing» Dave Perry through - 2012 г.

4. «Тактика парусных гонок» Билл Гладстоун - 2007 г.


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